French Embassy

France has long enjoyed a strong influence on Morocco and this can be seen in the fact that the French language is still considered to be the unofficial second language of Morocco. It is also evident in the many instances of French architecture that can be found across the country. Past historical affiliations with the country have fortunately grown into positive trade and travel relations and today many French citizens visit the country while many Moroccans likewise travel to France.

In fact France has long enjoyed particularly close relations with Morocco since 1990. King Mohammed VI chose France as the first place that he would visit abroad – a successful state visit which took place in March 2000. Since then, many prominent Moroccans have been visiting the country in order to benefit from the excellent relations present between Morocco and France. Such relations have definitely not been one-sided with many politically involved and prominent Frenchmen also journeying to Morocco to further improve and investigate trade and travel relations with the country. In all, Morocco’s relationship with the French government has truly proved to be very profitable with France providing many millions of dollars worth of government aid to the country. But, while the French Embassy in Morocco has certainly had a role to play in all this, such politically motivated activities are not the only thing that the embassy is involved in.

Like most embassies, the French Embassy in Morocco continues to serve the basic role of providing visas and other important travel documents for Moroccans wishing to travel or study in France. It also improves trade relations between Moroccan and French companies and thus contributes to the economies of both countries. If you should need any assistance with regard to trade or travel between Morocco and France, you should contact the French Embassy in Morocco for more information. As with travel to any country, it is vital that you ensure that you have the correct passport information, visas or work related paperwork before attempting to pursue the matter further. The Embassy is located at 3 rue Sahnoun in Agdal, Rabat. The staff are reasonably friendly and helpful and will do their best to assist you.

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