Fishing in Moroccan Waters

For many people living in Morocco, fishing is a way of life. For hundreds of tourists, however, it is a great way to pass the time. Despite the fact that foreigners often get the impression that Morocco is a desert country, fishing is quite a popular activity. Fishing in Morocco takes place in inland rivers and lakes as well as on the wide-open seas. Visitors can enjoy sitting in a boat in the middle of a lake or they can head out into the ocean for some great deep-sea fishing.

Of course, for a fisherman it is all about the struggle between fish and man and the type of fish you are fishing for can have a big impact on how challenging that encounter is. If you decide to head inland, you will find that the main type of fish found in gorges and wadis is trout. However, if you prefer a little variety, head to one of the many lakes in Morocco. Morocco’s lakes are filled with pike, perch, black bass, carp, barbells, eels and roach. You can literally spend days trying to catch as many of these great fish varieties as possible.

If you prefer to head out to the ocean for your game you will also not be disappointed. If Morocco’s vibrant fishing industry is anything to judge by, you will find the waters around Morocco teeming with life. The fish species you will find in these waters include sea perch, bonitos, chad, sea beam and mullet. If you’re looking for a bigger challenge, you will find swordfish, tuna, marlin, barracudas and grouper. Clearly there is no shortage of variety in the waters in and around Morocco. If you do want to go fishing in Morocco, you will find that fishing season for the lakes is between May and June. Fishing in the oceans is not as strictly monitored, though phoning the Moroccan fisheries office is never a bad idea. Two of the best fishing ports in the country are Sakhla (Sahara) and Mohammedia (Casablanca). So pack in your fishing rod the next time you visit this amazing country.

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