Dromedary Camels – Ships of the Moroccan Desert

To say that there are camels in Morocco is open to discussion. This is because traditional camels have two humps on their backs and the camels used in Morocco only have one. Camels in Morocco are therefore known as Dromedaries, which are a part of the camel family. Dromedary camels (Camelus dromedaries) are rarely found in the wild and most of those seen walking around the landscape do have owners. Often herds that have not been domesticated to a certain degree can be seen, but they will still follow their nomadic owners from one feeding ground to another.

Dromedaries have always been said to be very aggressive and stubborn animals, but this is only true when it
comes to the leader of a herd. They will become aggressive if they feel that the herd is threatened or in danger.
Most of the time, these are very gentle creatures that are highly intelligent and extremely patient. These animals
are native to the northern parts of Africa, but interestingly enough the only population of truly wild
Dromedary Camel herds are found in Australia. They have long thick eyelashes and very hairy
ears that protect their eyes and ears from the sand. Full-grown camels can stand at a height of between six or
seven feet and their lifespan ranges between twenty-five to fifty years of age. Owners and locals respect the
Dromedaries for their natures and their ability to survive in the desert with very little food and water. Their
amazing ability to survive the desert heat is by being able to increase their own body heat.

The allure of Morocco goes hand in hand with the images and culture of caravans of camels and their owners
trekking across the desert. Even though the camels of Morocco are not used as a method of transport, they have
become vital in the tourism industry and to the income of many locals. Visitors are offered the opportunity to
experience a camel trek in Morocco and they may stop off at some of the most exotic
destinations in Morocco along the way.

Traveling by camel through Morocco under the clear blue skies and across the vast landscapes of breathtaking
beauty is an unforgettable experience. To discover the small villages and settlements that are found off the
beaten track, while being safely carried across the unforgiving desert on one of the most the desert’s most
wonderful animals, is an unforgettable experience – one that will leave visitors with spectacular memories and a
respect for the Dromedary Camel.

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