Oued Massa Nature Reserve – A Birder’s Paradise

When people think of Morocco they think of sprawling whitewashed villages, noisy souks and miles and miles of sand. But Morocco is actually much more varied than that and, in fact, the country is home to dozens of spectacular national parks and nature reserves. Since the 1930s the local government has been improving government law regarding the protection of national parks so that natural areas are better protected against exploitation and environmental encroachment. While some wilderness areas feature vast plains of desert, others are home to snow-capped mountain ranges and densely vegetated valleys.

Amidst this wonderful abundance of biological richness you will find a variety of nature reserves and national parks that have been carefully established to protect the country’s natural heritage and environment. The Oued Massa Nature Reserve is only a short drive from Agadir and it boasts some of the best bird watching opportunities in the country. The reserve features a rich mixture of habitats and this in turn attracts a wonderful variety of both birds and animals. Avid bird watchers will be pleased to learn that one can spot Sand Grouse, Cranes, Turnstone, Waders, Godwit, Snipe, Little Crake and Dunlin in the reserve in one area. A short journey to another part of the reserve will allow you to see Spoonbill, Stork, Flamingo, Stilt, Harrier and Osprey. The park is also home to one of the world’s rarest birds, the Bald Ibis. Visiting this stunning nature reserve will enable birdwatchers to see all these birds and more.

The season can also affect the variety of birds that you are able to see, so if you have a preference for something in particular it would be good to do some research before booking your tickets to Morocco. For example, if you visit during spring you can see Hoopoes, Woodchat, Orphean, Shrike, Warblers and Bee-eaters. Winter, however, will allow you to see Great Grey Shrike, Siren and Stone Curlew. The Oued Massa Nature Reserve in Morocco is a virtual paradise of plants, birds and other animals. So make sure that you get to spend at least a little time enjoying this natural gem the next time you visit Morocco.

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