Currency Converter

The following is a guide to Moroccan currencies and a converter to help you figure it all out.

The Currency of Morocco is the dirham (dh). It is divided into 100 centimes (c). Centimes exchange hands at market places more often than dirhams. This money is available in 10c, 20c, 50c, 1dh, 5dh, 10dh (all coins) and 10dh, 20dh, 50dh, 100dh and 200dh (all notes). Outside of Morocco, you can usually get dirhams in Algeciras (Spain) and in Gibraltar. There are also usually foreign exchange shops in the seaports and airports of Morocco.

Traveler’s checks can be quite useless as they can only normally be exchanged at the bank which makes them an inconvenience for the average person in Morocco. Many of the classier hotels support credit cards and most major banks have ATM machines.

A currency converter has been included at this website for your convenience.

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